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Previous Releases

Release 01 | FRBs @ 400MHz

For reading msgpack data provided in this release, headover to the CHIME/FRB Open Data Python package.

from cfod.analysis.intensity import chime_intensity as ci
fn = `astro_5941664_20180406203904337770_beam0147_00245439_02.msgpack`
intensity, weights, fpga0, fpgaN, binning, frame0_nano, nrfifreq, rfi_mask = ci.unpack_data(fn)
from cfod.analysis.intensity import chime_intensity as ci
fns = ['file1', 'file2', 'file3']
intensity, weights, fpga0s, fpgaNs, binning, rfi_mask, frame0_nanos = ci.unpack_datafiles(fns)


  • intensity is a 2D Intensity array.
  • weights are the corresponding 2D array weights to the intensity array.
  • fpga0 (int) is start fpga count of the data chunk. (Internally used to track time, can be ignored). The fpga count increments at the rate of 2.56us.
  • fpgaN (int) is number of fpga counts in the data chunk read
  • binning (int) is the downsampling of the data from the ringbuffer
  • frame0_nano is the conversion from fpga timestamp to utc timestamp (Currently not supported.)
  • nrfifreq is the number of frequences masked by the realtime rfi system (Currently not supported.)
  • rfi_mask is currently not supported

Release 03 | Periodic FRB

The burst dynamic spectra (waterfalls) for this release constitutes of both intensity and baseband data, stored in npz files.

Intensity Data

The waterfalls from intensity data have file names burst_*_16k_wfall.npz and are stored at the full resolution of 16,384 frequency channels over 400 MHz with a 0.00098304s time resolution, dedispersed to 348.82 pc cm-3.

Baseband Data

The waterfalls derived from complex voltage (baseband) data have file names burst_*_bb_1k_wfall.npz and are stored at a resolution of 1,024 frequency channels over 400 MHz with time resolution and dedispersed to the DM as in Extended Data Figure 1 of the paper: {40.96, 40.96, 20.48, 81.92}us and {348.78, 348.82, 348.82, 348.86} pc cm-3. In all cases zapped channels due to RFI are replaced by np.nan.

Note that the bursts are too dim too see in individual frequency channels at full resolution. In the paper, we have downsampled the data in frequency for visualization.

Data can be accessed and displayed in Python as, e.g.:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

fname = "burst_9_bb_1k_wfall.npz"
data = np.load(fname)
wfall = data["wfall"]
dt_s = data["dt_s"]
center_freq_mhz = data["center_freq_mhz"]
df_mhz = center_freq_mhz[1] - center_freq_mhz[0]
    extent=(0, dt_s*wfall.shape[1], center_freq_mhz[0]-df_mhz/2.,center_freq_mhz[-1]+df_mhz/2.)
plt.xlabel("Time [s]")
plt.ylabel("Frequency [MHz]")

Release 04 | Galactic Magnetar

CHIME/FRB Detection

These files for this data release have names chimefrb_SGR1935+2154_20200428_B????.npz where B???? corresponds to the CHIME/FRB beam that recorded that data. The highest S/N detection was made by beam 2067.

The data have a 1024 frequency channels over 400 MHz with time resolution of 0.98304ms and are dedispersed to 332.7206 pc cm-3. In all cases zapped channels due to RFI are replaced by np.nan. Data can be accessed and displayed in Python as using the following code,

import glob
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
fnames = glob.glob("chimefrb_SGR1935+2154_20200428_B????.npz")
for fname in fnames:
    data = np.load(fname)
    intensity = data["intensity"]
    times = data["times"]
    frequencies = data["frequencies"]
    plt.imshow(intensity, aspect="auto", origin="lower", interpolation="nearest")

The NumPy arrays stored in the npz files are:

  • center_frequencies: center frequency of each channel, in MHz
  • center_time: center time of each sample, in s
  • df: channel bandwidth, in MHz
  • dm: dispersion measure, in pc cm-3
  • dt: sampling time, in s
  • fbottom: frequency at the bottom of the band, in MHz
  • frequencies: lower edge of each channel, in MHz
  • ftop: frequency at the top of the band, in MHz
  • intensity: burst dynamic spectrum
  • nchan: number of channels
  • nsamp: number of samples
  • tend: end of the samples, in s
  • times: left edge of each sample, in s
  • tstart: start of the samples, in s

Algonquin Radio Observatory Detection

This data has been recorded with the 10-m dish at the Algonquin Radio Observatory and is named, aro_SGR1935+2154_20200428_baseband.npz

The NumPy arrays stored in the npz file are:

  • V : coherently dedispersed complex voltages, with shape (nt, nf, npol)
  • start_time : start time of the observation, referenced to 800. MHz
  • end_time : end time of the observation, referenced to 800. MHz
  • DM : dispersion measure, in pc cm-3, to which the data is coherently dedispersed

Note that the DM to which the data has been coherently dispersed, 332.80925424 pc cm-3, is slightly different than the optimal DM measured by CHIME, 332.7206 pc cm-3.

Below is an example of reading in complex voltages, determining Stokes parameters, and plotting the total intensity:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def get_stokes(data):
    X = data[:,:,0]
    Y = data[:,:,1]
    I = abs(X) ** 2 + abs(Y) ** 2
    Q = abs(X) ** 2 - abs(Y) ** 2
    U = 2 * np.real(X * np.conj(Y))
    V = -2 * np.imag(X * np.conj(Y))
    return I, Q, U, V

data = np.load("aro_SGR1935+2154_20200428_baseband.npz")
cv = data["V"]

# complex voltages are shaped (nt, nf, npol)
nt, nf, _ = cv.shape
tstart = np.datetime64(str(data["start_time"]))
tstop = np.datetime64(str(data["stop_time"]))
dt = (tstop - tstart) / nt
dm = data["DM"]
freq = np.linspace(800, 400, 1024, endpoint=False)[::-1]
I, Q, U, V = get_stokes(cv)

# change shape to (nf, nt) with the bottom frequency at index 0
intensity = np.flipud(I.T)

# self-calibrate data
for ii in range(nf):
    chan = intensity[ii,:]
    if np.nansum(chan) == 0.:
    mean = np.nanmean(chan)
    chan[:] = chan[:] / mean
    chan[:] = chan[:] - 1
    var = np.nanvar(chan)
    chan[:] = chan[:] / var

# downsampling factors
ds = 384
sub_factor = 4

# downsample if necessary
if ds > 1:
    new_num_spectra = int(nt / ds)
    num_to_trim = nt % ds
    if num_to_trim > 0:
        intensity = intensity[:,:-num_to_trim]
    intensity = np.array(np.column_stack(
        [np.mean(intensities, axis=1) for intensities \
            in np.hsplit(intensity, new_num_spectra)]))
    nf, nt = intensity.shape

# subband if necessary
if sub_factor > 1:
    intensity = np.nanmean(intensity.reshape(
        -1, sub_factor, intensity.shape[1]), axis=1)
    freq = np.nanmean(freq.reshape(-1, sub_factor), axis=1)
time_s = np.arange(tstart, tstop - dt * ds, dt * ds)
variance = np.nanvar(intensity, axis=1)

# zap outlier channels
intensity[variance > 0.004, ...] = 0.

# plot waterfall
plt.imshow(intensity, origin="lower", interpolation="nearest", aspect="auto")