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CHIME/FRB Waterfall Data

Author: Pranav Sanghvi

This tutorial will help you get aquainted with the CHIME/FRB Catalog waterfall data. In this tutorial, the data file FRB20180725A_waterfall.h5 was used, which contains data for FRB 20180725A. This data can be downloaded from the CHIME/FRB Open Data Release. To download additional data, visit the Canadian Astronomy Data Center.

All of the code provided in this tutorial, is also availaible through the CHIME/FRB Open Data python package.

from cfod.routines import waterfaller
wfall = Waterfaller(filename=`FRB20180725A_waterfall.h5`)

Read hdf5 files

The user can use the file_name variable to store the name of the file that contains the FRB data to be analyzed. Be sure to follow the instructions for downloading the hdf5 file for each FRB as desrcibed above. The file should be placed in the same directory as this notebook, or the full path should be specified in file_name.

file_name = "FRB20180725A_waterfall.h5"
data = h5py.File(file_name, "r")

Explore the data files

File Contents
>>> ['frb']
>>> ['calibrated_wfall',
Metadata Description
  • extent: the extent of the waterfall data
  • plot_freq: The values of the frequecy indices in \(\rm{MHz}\)
  • plot_time: The value of the time indices in \(\rm{\mu s}\)
  • wfall: waterfall data
  • model_wfall: waterfall from fitted data
  • spec: Dynamic Spectrum
  • model_spec: model-fitted dynamic spectrum
  • ts: time series data
  • model_ts: model-fitted time series
  • caliberated_wfall: The waterfall data with calibration applied
Unpack the Data
data = data["frb"]
eventname = data.attrs["tns_name"].decode()
wfall = data["wfall"][:]
model_wfall = data["model_wfall"][:]
plot_time = data["plot_time"][:]
plot_freq = data["plot_freq"][:]
ts = data["ts"][:]
model_ts = data["model_ts"][:]
spec = data["spec"][:]
model_spec = data["model_spec"][:]
extent = data["extent"][:]
dm = data.attrs["dm"][()]
scatterfit = data.attrs["scatterfit"][()]
cal_obs_date = data.attrs["calibration_observation_date"].decode()
cal_source_name = data.attrs["calibration_source_name"].decode()
cal_wfall =  data["calibrated_wfall"][:]

dt = np.median(np.diff(plot_time)) # the delta (time) between time bins 
# this value is the same for both caliberated and uncalibrated data

Removing the Radio Frequency Interference

This process sets any frequency channel that has a higher variance than the mean variance (averaged across all frequency channels) to a NaN value using np.nan.

RFI Removal
q1 = np.nanquantile(spec, 0.25)
q3 = np.nanquantile(spec, 0.75)
iqr = q3 - q1

# additional masking of channels with RFI
rfi_masking_var_factor = 3

channel_variance = np.nanvar(wfall, axis=1)
mean_channel_variance = np.nanmean(channel_variance)

with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
    rfi_mask = (channel_variance > \
                rfi_masking_var_factor * mean_channel_variance) \
                | (spec[::-1] < q1 - 1.5 * iqr) | (spec[::-1] > q3 + 1.5 * iqr)
wfall[rfi_mask,...] = np.nan
model_wfall[rfi_mask,...] = np.nan
spec[rfi_mask[::-1]] = np.nan

# remake time-series after RFI masking
ts = np.nansum(wfall, axis=0)
model_ts = np.nansum(model_wfall, axis=0)

Determine the Peaks and SNR of the Pulse

Peaks are identified after boxcar convolution.

Pulse Properties

def boxcar_kernel(width):
    width = int(round(width, 0))
    return np.ones(width, dtype="float32") / np.sqrt(width)

def find_burst(ts, min_width=1, max_width=128):
    min_width = int(min_width)
    max_width = int(max_width)
    # do not search widths bigger than timeseries
    widths = list(range(min_width, min(max_width + 1, len(ts)-2)))
    # envelope finding
    snrs = np.empty_like(widths, dtype=float)
    peaks = np.empty_like(widths, dtype=int)
    for i in range(len(widths)):
        convolved = scipy.signal.convolve(ts, boxcar_kernel(widths[i]), mode="same")
        peaks[i] = np.nanargmax(convolved)
        snrs[i] = convolved[peaks[i]]
    best_idx = np.nanargmax(snrs)
    return peaks[best_idx], widths[best_idx], snrs[best_idx]
peak, width, snr = find_burst(ts)
print(f"Peak: {peak} at time sample, Width = {width*dt} ms, SNR = {snr}")

Visualize the Dynamic Spectra

First and foremost, we need to bin the frequency data before we visualize it.

Bin Frequency Data

def bin_freq_channels(data, fbin_factor=4):
    num_chan = data.shape[0]
    if num_chan % fbin_factor != 0:
        raise ValueError("frequency binning factor `fbin_factor` should be even")
    data = np.nanmean(data.reshape((num_chan // fbin_factor, fbin_factor) + data.shape[1:]), axis=1)
    return data
# bin frequency channels such that we have 16,384/16 = 1024 frequency channels 
wfall = bin_freq_channels(wfall, 16)

Plot the Dynamic Spectrum
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6))
## Set up the image grid
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(ncols=2, nrows=2, figure=fig, width_ratios=[3, 1],
                        height_ratios=[1, 3], hspace=0.0, wspace=0.0)
data_im = plt.subplot(gs[2])
data_ts = plt.subplot(gs[0], sharex=data_im)
data_spec = plt.subplot(gs[3], sharey=data_im)

### time stamps relative to the peak
peak_idx = np.argmax(ts)
extent[0] = extent[0] - plot_time[peak_idx]
extent[1] = extent[1] - plot_time[peak_idx]
plot_time -= plot_time[peak_idx]

# prepare time-series for histogramming
plot_time -= dt / 2.
plot_time = np.append(plot_time, plot_time[-1] + dt)

cmap =

### plot dynamic spectrum
wfall[np.isnan(wfall)] = np.nanmedian(wfall)   # replace nans in the data with the data median
# use standard deviation of residuals to set color scale
vmin = np.nanpercentile(wfall, 1)
vmax = np.nanpercentile(wfall, 99)

data_im.imshow(wfall, aspect="auto", interpolation="none",
                extent=extent, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap)

### plot time-series
data_ts.plot(plot_time, np.append(ts, ts[-1]), color="tab:gray",

### plot spectrum
data_spec.plot(spec, plot_freq, color="tab:gray")

### plot model time-series and spectrum
if scatterfit:
    data_spec.plot(model_spec, plot_freq, color=cmap(0.25))
    data_ts.plot(plot_time, np.append(model_ts, model_ts[-1]),
                    color=cmap(0.25), drawstyle="steps-post", lw=2)
    data_spec.plot(model_spec, plot_freq, color=cmap(0.5))
    data_ts.plot(plot_time, np.append(model_ts, model_ts[-1]),
                    color=cmap(0.5), drawstyle="steps-post", lw=1)

## BEautify plot
# remove some labels and ticks for neatness
plt.setp(data_ts.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
data_ts.set_yticklabels([], visible=True)
data_ts.set_xlim(extent[0], extent[1])
plt.setp(data_spec.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
data_spec.set_xticklabels([], visible=True)
data_spec.set_ylim(extent[2], extent[3])
plt.setp(data_im.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=9)
plt.setp(data_im.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=9)

#### highlighting the width of the pulse
                        plot_time[peak] + 0.5 * dt \
                        - (0.5 * width) * dt),
                        plot_time[peak] + 0.5 * dt \
                        + (0.5 * width) * dt),
                    facecolor="tab:blue", edgecolor=None, alpha=0.1)

##### add event ID and DM labels
xlim = data_ts.get_xlim()
ylim = data_ts.get_ylim()

# add 20% extra white space at the top
span = np.abs(ylim[1]) + np.abs(ylim[0])
data_ts.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1] + 0.2 * span)
ylim = data_ts.get_ylim()

ypos = (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) * 0.9 + ylim[0]
xpos = (xlim[1] - xlim[0]) * 0.98 + extent[0]
data_ts.text(xpos, ypos, "{}\nDM: {:.1f} pc/cc\nSNR: {:.2f}".format(eventname, dm,snr), ha="right",
                va="top", fontsize=9)

data_im.locator_params(axis="x", min_n_ticks=3)
data_im.set_yticks([400, 500, 600, 700, 800])
data_im.set_ylabel("Frequency [MHz]", fontsize=9)
data_im.set_xlabel("Time [ms]", fontsize=9)
plt.savefig("{}_wfall.png".format(eventname), dpi=300,      bbox_inches="tight")


Plotting Calibrated Data

Within the hdf5 file is the calibrated waterfall data, allowing one to plot the data as measured in Janskys.

Extract the Waterfall and Construct the Time Series
cal_ts = np.nanmean(cal_wfall, axis = 0)
cal_wfall[np.isnan(cal_wfall)] = np.nanmedian(cal_wfall)   # replace nans in the data with the data median
#bin frequency channels such that we have 16,384/16 = 1024 frequency channels 
cal_wfall = bin_freq_channels(cal_wfall,16) 
vmin = np.nanpercentile(cal_wfall, 1)
vmax = np.nanpercentile(cal_wfall, 99)

times = np.arange(len(cal_ts))*dt
peak_idx = np.argmax(cal_ts)
times -= times[peak_idx]
times -= dt / 2.

extent[0] = times[0]
extent[1] = times[-1]

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5), constrained_layout=True)
layout = """
ax_dict = fig.subplot_mosaic(layout)
ax_dict["A"].imshow(cal_wfall, aspect="auto", vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax, extent = extent )
ax_dict["A"].set_title(f"Waterfall of {eventname} \n Calibrated to {cal_source_name} on {cal_obs_date}")
ax_dict["A"].set_yticks([400, 500, 600, 700, 800])
ax_dict["C"].plot(times,cal_ts, drawstyle="steps-post")
ax_dict["C"].set_xlabel("Time [ms]")
ax_dict["C"].set_title(f"Time Series of {eventname} \nCalibrated to {cal_source_name} on {cal_obs_date} \
        \n Peak flux = {cal_ts[peak_idx]:.3f} Jy")
ax_dict["A"].set_ylabel("Frequency [MHz]")
ax_dict["C"].set_ylabel("Flux [Jy]")
