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Make a Localization Plot

Author: Alex Josephy

Localizations are key to understanding FRBs and this tutorial will show you how to plot localizations from CHIME/FRB Catalog Data.

All of the code provided in this tutorial, is also availaible through the CHIME/FRB Open Data python package.

from cfod.routines import localizer
localize = localizer.Localize(filename=`FRB20180725A_localization.h5`)

Following Python packages are required complete this tutorial: h5py, numpy, healpy, and matplotlib.

Loading in localization data

The localization data are stored in an HDF5 format. We include various views of the underlying probability distribution, which should be useful for different situations (e.g. healpix maps, contours lists).

# Load in packages
import h5py as h5
import numpy as np
import healpy as hp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load in the HDF5 file.
f = h5.File('example.h5', 'r')

# The following function just summarizes the HDF5 file structure:
def describe(group, recurse=False):
    """ Prints info on the contents of an hdf5 group """


    # First print header-like attributes (if exist)
    if group.attrs:
        print('\n  attrs: {')
    for key, value in group.attrs.items():
        if key in ['comments', 'history']:
            print('    %s:' % key)
            for line in value:
                print('      ' + str(line))
            print('    %s:' % key, value)
    if group.attrs:
        print('  }')

    # Then print constituent groups & datasets
    for key, value in group.items():
        if isinstance(value, h5.Group):
            if recurse:
                describe(value, True)
                print('  ' + key + '/')
            print('  ' + key + ':', value.shape, value.dtype)

ROOT Attributes

The attributes at the root level include some basic parameters: TNS name, the positional values reported in the Catalog table, coordinate system details, and galactic coordinates for convenience.

describe(f['/']) # See hint 1
f['healpix'].attrs['comments'] # See hints below
The output from the first line above should be:
  attrs: {
    tns_name: FRB20181224D
    ra: 182.45
    ra_hms: 12h09m48s
    ra_error: 0.197
    dec: 54.85
    dec_dms: 54d51m00s
    dec_error: 0.213
    glon: 135.42455191200924
    glat: 61.256833554798746
    frame: ICRS
    epoch: J2000
    units: degrees
      Reported errors are at the 68% CL.
      R.A. errors have been scaled by cos(dec).
      Regions reported here are for the mainlobe island.
      See further data products for sidelobe islands.
The output from the second line above should be:
array(['Sparse representation of a HEALPix map.',
       'ipix := pixel indices (given nside and ordering scheme).',
       'CL := confidence level. Any pixel with a CL less than',
       '0.XX is within the XX% credible region.'], dtype=object)


A sparse representation of a HEALPix map, where pixels with effectively zero probability have been discarded (typically ~99.99% of the sky). The same resolution is used as the exposure maps (nside = 4096, giving a pixel area of ~0.7 square arcmins).


The output from the line above should be.


  attrs: {
    nside: 4096
    ordering: nested
      Sparse representation of a HEALPix map.
      ipix := pixel indices (given nside and ordering scheme).
      CL := confidence level. Any pixel with a CL less than
      0.XX is within the XX% credible region.

  ipix: (174835,) int64
  CL: (174835,) float32

Sampling the Localization Region

Example usage of HEALPix
nside = f['healpix'].attrs['nside']
ipix, CL = f['healpix/ipix'][()], f['healpix/CL'][()]

# example 1: get locations of pixels within 90% confidence bounds
# note that initializing the full healpix map is not necessary here
ra, dec = hp.pix2ang(nside, ipix[CL < 0.9], nest=True, lonlat=True)

# example 2: sampling pixels with weighting
sampled = np.random.choice(ipix, 30000, p=(1-CL)/(1-CL).sum())
ra, dec = hp.pix2ang(nside, sampled, nest=True, lonlat=True)    


A Gnomonic projection of the HEALPix map is included for convenient visualization. This projection method projects from the sphere onto a tangent plane, where the tangent point is centered on the target location. This is an appropriate choice given the ~degree scale of these uncertainty regions. The tangent plane that defines the projection is centered on the highest S/N beam.


  attrs: {
    clon: 182.44863891601562
    clon_hms: 12h09m48s
    clat: 54.858444213867195
    clat_dms: 54d51m30s
    reso: 0.5
    xsize: 600
    ysize: 120
      Gnomonic projection of the HEALPix map,
      centered around the beam with the highest S/N.
      Made  with healpy.projector.GnomonicProj

  data: (120, 600) float32

Making a Localization Plot

hdr = f['projection'].attrs
CL = f['projection/data'][:]
extent = np.array([-hdr['xsize']/2, hdr['xsize']/2, 
                    -hdr['ysize']/2, hdr['ysize']/2])*hdr['reso']/60

plt.rc('font', family='serif', size=14)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4))

# Note: RA increases to the left!
im = plt.imshow(CL, vmin=0, origin='lower',
                extent=extent, cmap='magma')
plt.contour(CL, levels=[0.68, 0.95], linestyles=['-', '--'], 
            colors='k', linewidths=2, extent=extent)

plt.colorbar(im, pad=0.25, shrink=0.4, orientation='horizontal',
                label='Confidence Level')
plt.arrow(2.4, -0.4, 0, 0.2, head_width=0.04, color='k')
plt.text(2.39, -0.1, 'N', ha='center', size=10)
plt.arrow(2.4, -0.4, -0.2, 0., head_width=0.04, color='k')
plt.text(2.1, -0.4, 'E', va='center', ha='right', size=10)
plt.title('Centered @ %.3f, %.2f' % (hdr['clon'], hdr['clat']))
plt.xlabel('dx (deg)')
plt.ylabel('dy (deg)')

Your plot generated from the above script should look similar to this plot: localization plot


describe(f['/contours'], recurse=True)

The above example's output should look like the following:


  attrs: {
      (R.A., Dec.) contours of common confidence intervals.
      Islands (labelled ABC...) are ordered with increasing R.A.
      Contours are extracted from the Gnomonic projection,
      and have been simplified using the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker
      algorithm (with an epsilon parameter of 0.2 pixels).


  A: (2, 22) float32
  B: (2, 30) float32
  C: (2, 38) float32


  A: (2, 24) float32
  B: (2, 28) float32
  C: (2, 34) float32
  D: (2, 43) float32


  A: (2, 34) float32
  B: (2, 51) float32
  C: (2, 46) float32


  A: (2, 41) float32
  B: (2, 54) float32
  C: (2, 48) float32

Making a Contour Plot¶

# example 0: getting points
ra, dec = f['contours/68/A']

# example 2: plotting contours

for name, contour in f['contours/68'].items():
    contour = contour[:]
    plt.plot(*contour.mean(1), 'wo', mec='k', ms=20, alpha=0.5)
    plt.text(*contour.mean(1), s=name, ha='center', va='center')
for contour in f['contours/95'].values():
    plt.plot(*contour[:], '--')

plt.xlabel('R.A. (deg)')
plt.ylabel('Dec. (deg)')

Your plot generated from the above script should look similar to this plot: contour plot